"Experience shows that when girls are empowered through education, the family becomes very productive".

Our Mission

The overarching mission of the Freetown Secondary School for Girls (New York Metropolitan Area) is to work in close cooperation with the Board of Trustees, the Principal and staff of the school in furthering the academic and social activities of the school, in maintaining and in sustaining discipline among its pupils.

Specifically, the association aims at fostering and maintaining interest in the school by:

  • ~ engaging with alumni and friends of the Freetown Secondary School for Girls
  • ~ undertaking fundraising events/activities that will provide affordable and quality education for students.
  • ~ promoting unity and cooperation among all ex-pupils of the school

About Us

The FSSG ex-Pupils Association (New York Metropolitan Area) was founded in 1989 by a group of concerned FSSGians who wanted to play a more active role in supporting the school, its teachers and pupils. The group started with 6 members and has now grown to 18 active members.

Over the years, the association has undertaken a number of fund-raising activities. These include annual subscriptions, special donations from friends of the association, annual thanksgiving services, group outings, dinners/dances and luncheon sales. Proceeds have gone to the school to be used in a variety of ways including rehabilitation of the school after the war to benefit the students and teachers.

Past accomplishments include:

    ~ Jointly funded renovation and reparation of the junior block of the school. The school was badly damaged during the devastating war that went on for 11 years in the country.
    ~ Academic scholarships awarded to students with financial needs.
    ~ School supplies and books donated from friends of the school.
    ~ Reparation of school security wall.
    ~ Partial payment of teachers' salary.


For Donation

Please give love and help our young girls at the Freetown Secondary School for Girls.


For information or inquiries, please contact us at: donations@fssgex-pupilsnymetro.org